Every fall, Benedictine College comes to life as families are reunited for a weekend, filling the campus with smiles and laughter. Students eagerly show their loved ones their favorite spots around campus, integrate them into typical weekend activities, and introduce them to their new friends. For many, Family Weekend is the first time they’ve seen their family since the start of the school year.
Behind the scenes, the Campus Activities Board is the driving force that makes this weekend possible. Spending months planning the logistics, the board ensures they live out their mission of cultivating community with a spirit of Christ-like leadership and joyful hospitality.
Leading the charge this year is senior Maggie Miller, the chair of Family Weekend. With experience as a committee chair, Miller is not new to the process. After accepting the position last spring, she quickly took to brainstorming ideas over the summer.
Miller wanted the theme for this year’s event to intentionally promote community. After consideration, the committee landed on a weekend centered around the 1950s.
“Many of our parents and grandparents grew up in the 1950s or just after. Students get so excited to share what their life is like at Benedictine, and their families can relate to the theme and share what their lives were like during this time,” said Miller.

With the help of her committee members and the rest of the Campus Activities Board, Miller planned family-friendly activities that related to the theme while incorporating other aspects of campus life. Activities included bingo, a root beer social with open-mic night, a Sock Hop, athletic games, and more.
From here, it was all about the details. “I think the biggest misconception about the events we put on is that people do not realize how much work goes into the details. From the variety of prizes at bingo to the cups needed for the root beer social, we have to make sure everything is covered and in accordance with our budget,” said Miller.
While the board is made up of sophomores, juniors, and seniors, they would not be successful without the help of the community. The cafeteria helped provide ice cream for the root beer social, the operations and the audio-visual team made open-mic night possible, and marketing helped spread the word and bring people to each activity.

“Of course, we would not be able to do any of this without all the support behind us. Everyone on campus is working towards the same goal and ultimately wants to see happy students and families,” Miller said.
As Family Weekend wraps up and the board transitions into their next event, a sense of community continues to shine through. For this group, it is not about the praise and glory but about fostering the creation of memories that families will remember for years to come.
Looking ahead, there are plenty of opportunities for students and families to get involved in the Benedictine community. The next signature event on campus is Homecoming Weekend, which will bring current students and alumni together to celebrate the college.