It is difficult to make money, let alone save it during college. There are dances to attend, groceries to buy, coffee to drink (due to countless late nights), and maybe a few alcoholic beverages to imbibe in. So, is it possible while living a college life to the fullest? Below are some tips and tricks to feel confident about your financial well-being while at Benedictine.
The first category would be groceries. It has been shown by multiple studies that buying whole ingredients and making a meal costs substantially less than buying a packaged product. One such study was done by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. For most shopping excursions, try to plan out the week’s meals and buy only those ingredients.
Another way to save is to shop at the lowest cost store. In Atchison, Alps is more cost-effective than Walmart, when it comes to produce and some packaged goods. A recommendation would be buying as much as you can at Alps before going over to Walmart and getting the last few things.
Aldi’s in St. Joseph is another great option to reduce cost but requires a car to get there. But, the cost of food is so much lower there that the drive is worth it in my opinion.
Eating Out
The second category is eating out. Every college student needs a social life of some capacity, and going out for dinner or drinks is a fun way to get to know people or spend time with those you love. The first easy way to save is to get water as your beverage of choice if you are getting a meal. This will save at least a few dollars which adds up quickly.
Another great idea is to look at daily deals, either with food or alcohol. Oftentimes drinks are halved, or there is a buy one get one deal.
Thirdly, try to balance eating out with other lower cost activities. If your desire is to hang out with someone, instead of grabbing a coffee, you can go on a walk, or invite them over to make a coffee yourself. This can be even more fun and a little adventure to save on cash!
A third way to save more in college is to get a part time job. If possible, try to find a job where you can work 5-10 hours a week to supplement any spending from that week or month. This is a great way to keep your bank account at a healthy level, and not be too scared about paying off your credit card bill.
Another idea is to try to save 30% of each paycheck and put it into a savings account so that you have an emergency fund for any possible issues that arise, from a flat tire to a doctor visit.
Hopefully these options of saving and spending as a college student are attainable and helpful ways to keep a bit of cash throughout college, while also not worrying too much about being the typical “broke” college student. Happy saving!