Students come to college, anticipating a change in their life, maybe a chance at a new start or the excitement of a new community. As much as college life is fun and exciting, what happens after receiving that diploma is still a forefront thought in many student’s minds.
Madeline Stewart 21’ gave some insight on her journey post-grad. Stewart currently works for Staging Studio and BY Design Home Staging as a Marketing Specialist. The difference between the two companies is that BY Design Home Staging is a home staging company, while Staging Studio is a home staging training company.
Stewart’s role within these companies is to run social media channels, publish blogs, assist with email campaigns, create marketing funnels as well as aid website updates among other needs.
Stewart described three ways that Benedictine helped her to prepare for when she graduated.
These three ways being career readiness, independence, and networking/social skills. She
especially highlighted these skills after majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications.
“The communications department gave me a wide range of skills to give me the comfortability to apply to a variety of jobs. Not only that, but the confidence to interview and believe that I’m a good fit for the job,” Stewart said.
Stewart also gave advice for those heading into the workforce. She advised students to be patient and realistic.
“The journey you start after you move the tassel is unknown, exciting, terrifying, and
exhilarating at the same time. The only way to move forward is to grasp that unknown, be patient and move forward. When it comes to the job process, be prepared for anything. Network everywhere. Stay realistic. Apply anyway,” Stewart said.
Stewart mentions the number one joy of graduating also goes hand-in-hand with the biggest challenge. She indicates that your freedom changes as you graduate.
“Instead of attending three classes throughout the day, you have your 9 – 5. You have scheduled meetings instead of practice. You have a wide range of restaurants to choose from instead of the caf. Getting that post-grad freedom is a biiiig step from the freedom you feel when you make it to college,” Stewart reflects.
Will Humburg, a senior international business and marketing major at Benedictine College,
explains how he feels about post-grad life. He explains that he is both nervous and excited to take the next step.
“ I feel very different than my prior years here at Benedictine,” Hamburg said.
“Part excited, part nervous to start something new.”
“ I’m anxious to meet new people and make new friends- but I know that I can and will. I’m super excited to leave my hometown of Atchison and go out into the ‘real world,” he says.
Students are invited to use the Career Services resource that Benedictine College offers in order to help students with interviews or applying for job positions.
Click here for more information or to set up an appointment! https://www.benedictine.edu/academics/success/careers/students/index