At the beginning of this spring semester, members of our band, known as “The Raven Regiment” received the news that the beloved Director of Athletic Bands, Mr. Sean York, was leaving to pursue different opportunities.
While tough news to hear for some, Interim Director, Mr. Bret Parker, says his goal is to continue building off of the great work started by Dr. York.
“We want to focus on our mission, which is to support the teams that we play for, representing the school and having fun.”
Parker has all the qualifications needed to step into the job, Parker graduated from West Texas A&M and got his masters from Illinois State University. Since graduation, has spent time involved with other school bands as well as over 20 years involved with Church bands.
Parker thinks the band has handled the change well, “I think they’re doing well. I’m sure there’s some sadness, but most of the band knows that Mr. York’s primary focus is his family and know that the decision he made was for the best interest of his family and they respect that.”
Student Band Leader, Mary Isaak, had this to say about about the sudden change “initially, the news of Mr. York leaving was a surprise to us all.”
Isaak is a junior from Minnesota, and is currently one of three Drum Major’s for the School band.
She goes on to say “The Raven Regiment will always love and appreciate everything Mr. York has done for us, and we know that he has left the band in great hands with Mr. Parker.”
The Band will continue and finish out the year by playing at the basketball games, the spring football game, and the 100th anniversary baseball game.
The students in band as well as Mr. Parker would love to see everyone come out and support them wherever they can.