When I think about Thanksgiving, I reminisce about the amount of love and care my mom put into dinner and making our house look festive and welcoming.
I remember waking up each Thanksgiving morning to the smell of something delicious cooking in the oven. I would follow the scent downstairs and find my mom, busy in the kitchen, occasionally singing the song she had playing in the background. She’d see me, smile, and give me a big hug.
I’d look around and see decorations set out which included turkeys, wreaths and fall colors each delicately placed. I could hear the faint cheering from the football game my dad had on TV. I set the table with our fancy, festive napkins that only made an appearance once a year.
After I finished this task, my mom would request that I help her prepare the feast. I always loved cooking with her. When I was younger, she utilized this time to teach me how to cook. I grew up, it became more of a time to talk, joke around, and cook together.
Some of the happiest memories of my childhood came from time with her before the guests arrived. It was the best, dancing around the kitchen and making the classic Thanksgiving dishes together. I could just see how excited and joyful she was before everyone else got there. It made me want to grow up and be just like her.
Going to college has made me appreciate these times at home so much more. I cherish every Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family, especially since I will be creating memories with a family of my own one day!