Every Tuesdays in Atchison, KS the Fox Theater has a special for students: just $5 to see a movie.

Travis Grossman, Executive Director for Theater Atchison, mentioned how simple the process is.
“All they need is their student ID,” Grossman said. “we have a botton on our screen that we push for them, prints out their ticket at $5 ticket to any of the shows we have”
Benedictine Students have the opportunity because of the college’s support for the theater project.
“The college understood and supported this program. And we in turn are giving the opportunity to support the students back to him” Grossman said.
In addition to being in historical registry the theaters has some special features, including an iris optimized screen.
“The technological purpose is that it focuses all the color cones from the digital imagery to give thee sharpest, cleanest, clearest picture on the market, it’s the latest and greatest state of the technology that’s out there,” Grossman said.
Grossman understands that some people may prefer to sit at home and binge Netflix. However, he says that there is an “intrinsic value” to seeing a movie in a theater.

“I was reminded of that,” Grossman said, “when I sat in there and listened to people gasp, and cry, and cheer. With a group of people, you don’t even know and all behind one common notion and for a moment of time there is something in front of you that bigger than everybody in the room.”