The Atchison Humane Society is a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide a safe sanctuary for lost and homeless animals in the area. The center was established roughly 25 years ago on N 21st Street, where it stands to this day.
The center is home to 39 dogs, five cats, and other animals they have seen come in. They are willing to take in any animals except for wildlife. Half of their animals come from owner-surrendered pets in the area. Owner-surrendered animals are pets whose owners cannot care for them anymore, so they are brought to the humane society to be cared for.
Because the Atchison Humane Society serves as a non-profit, they work solely off the donations from those in the community. Donations can usually consist of anything from cash and checks to food and beds for the animals.
Diana Middleton, a worker and board member for the Atchison Humane Society, is thankful for any type of donation that comes their way. “Because we run off of what we are given, we ask for even items such as dog and cat beds, bleach for cleaning, or food for the animals,” Middleton said.
Right now, with the amount of animals they hold, the center is at maximum capacity. The number of kennels for dogs and cats is rapidly declining. Since the non-profit only has five workers to manage all the animals brought in, the humane society is asking for volunteers in the mornings specifically to help with kennel management and clean up.
Tess Rocha, a junior from Bentonville, Arkansas, said that she was surprised to hear that Atchison was home to a humane society. “I’m sure if more students knew about it, then more people in the Benedictine community would be willing to help out where they can,” Rocha said.
If you are interested in volunteering, the Atchison Humane Society asks that you call a week in advance to give them notice. You can reach them at (913)-367-3647 or visit the humane society at 125 N 21st Street in Atchison.