Angel Delgadillo shows the poster he made for Grace Hartsock at Benedictine College on Monday, Aug. 4, 2022. Gestures are a huge part of who Delgadillo is and he knew it would mean a lot to Hartsock if someone did something for her.
Benedictine students find ways to form community and show their support for the pro-life movement, whether that be independently or side by side through Ravens Respect Life.
Angel Delgadillo, freshman, found his own way to support fellow freshman at Benedictine, Grace Hartsock. Delgadillo collected various signatures from people around campus on a poster he made for Hartsock while also explaining her story.
Last month Hartsock was door knocking with Students for Life Action in the Kansas City area alongside other student volunteers in support of the Value Them Both amendment. She came across a woman that did not seem supportive of the initiative, but politely turned Hartsock away.
“As I was turning around to leave, her adult daughter came out of the house yelling and cursing at me. She got in my face and continued to scream as I walked down their driveway, and violently shoved me in the chest and hit me on the head,” Hartsock said.
Hartsock was surprised by the poster when Delgadillo gave it to her.
“I can’t express how touched I am by the support I’ve received from Benedictine students like Angel, especially those who created and signed the poster or reached out to me on social media,” Hartsock said.
The poster symbolizes the strong values of coming together as a community and standing with a fellow Raven, which is the true Benedictine way.
“It serves as a reminder to me of how strong and supportive the pro-life community is, and that we will be rewarded one day for standing up for life when we are faced with violence or injustice,” Hartsock said.
We asked Delgadillo why he decided to stand with Hartsock.
“I just know if I were involved in that same situation, I’d want someone to do this for me as well,” Delgadillo said.
Students were not the only ones showing their support, President Minnis also got the chance to put his signature on the poster for Hartsock as well. The same passion for the movement is found in the Ravens Respect Life club.
Abby Barrett, a member of Ravens Respect Life, understands the importance of every person’s part in the battle to protect innocent life. When it came to the Value Them Both Amendment, Barrett was able to cast her vote.
“I voted because of the morality of the Amendment on the ballot. The issue is one of life & death, good & evil, humanity & inhumanity, barbarity & opportunity,” Barrett said.
Although the results of the election resulted in Kansas being a state that protects the right to abortion, there is still a need for people to be brave and stand up for their beliefs.
“The battle continues, as it always does, against the evil one whose work was most recently seen on Aug. 2” Barrett said.
Benedictine College is a place for people to live their pro-life beliefs freely and safely. However, it takes the power of community provided here at Benedictine and the courage to venture outside of comfort and challenge others to confront truth.
“Prayer & honest education about the founding & continuation of the World’s Largest Executioner (Planned Parenthood) are crucial in winning this fight,” Barrett explains.
Joe Hogan, President of Ravens Respect Life, strives to provide opportunities for club members to serve pregnant mothers and offer support in many ways.
“Ravens Respect Life is very active on campus! We lead prayer trips down to the abortion clinic in Kansas City, bring in exciting speakers, get involved in prolife canvassing, train our members to defend their beliefs, are increasing support for pregnant mothers on campus and in Kansas, and more!” Hogan said.
For those interested in getting involved with the Ravens Respect Life club,
“Joining is as easy as attending our club events and outreach opportunities. We have an email list and a GroupMe. If you wish to join, email [email protected]!” Hogan said.
The Ravens Respect Life club will be announcing their theme this year at the kickoff meeting on Sept. 7.