Since its Valentines day, we decided to talk to some students about the dating culture here at Benedictine.

“With the community of faith and culture that Benedictine College has created, they offer a rare opportunity of building relationships that truly last. We have been lucky enough find someone that we believe is that exact case. We are very thankful towards the college for creating this gift for us.” –Abigail Schmitz, Sophomore

“I think that, while dating culture at Benedictine is certainly healthier in most respects than that found at other colleges and universities nationwide, it is not uniform across the student body. This results in a non-homogenized culture around dating on campus. Those who fully buy in to the healthy dating culture on campus should be involved in sharing that good with those who do not yet fully know it.” -Alexander Winger, Senior

“Ring by spring is real and that’s all everyone focuses on first semester, but it is way less intense second semester.” -Kelly Roberts, Freshmen

“I’m from Portugal, so here at Benedictine it’s a lot different. I think mainly because it is very religious at Benedictine. People here are more receptive to dating seriously. I am not in a relationship, but I could see myself in one here.” –Guilherme Correia, Freshman
Interviews done by Delaney Griem.