Happy Thanksgiving from The Circuit staff! Instead of telling you these stories around the dinner table, we decided to write about them. Enjoy columns, opinions and stories related to the Thanksgiving holiday from our entire staff.
We are incredibly thankful for your support of The Circuit this entire semester and look forward to telling more stories in the future.
A new home for Thanksgiving
By Liam Keating
This summer, my parents made the decision to move to St. Louis to be closer to their grandchildren. A great decision and an important decision that had to be made.
But, a weird time for me as the holiday season approaches.
I will no longer be traveling to my home of Omaha, Nebraska. The city where I grew up and have appreciated for so long.
As, time moves forward, change is Inevitable, change is a good thing.
But, there will be an emptiness in my heart.
When the Keating family gathers around the table, it will be in a new home and a new city, but the same people will be gathered which is most important.
Time will move forward and new challenges will be faced. But without family, humans are helpless.
The Keating family has faced many challenges and change in 2020, but we will gather in each other’s company and feel comfortable in an uncomfortable world this Thanksgiving.
The Battle for Chorus and Chimes
By John Tuttle
Yuletide tunes – and specifically the question of when they deserve to be played – have long ignited a lighthearted rift in my family.
When I went to retrieve my COVID-19 test from the student health center last week, there was Christmas music emanating from one of those bulky portable CD players.
“Well, that seems a bit early,” I thought.
To be honest, I didn’t mind. Whether with a bang or a whimper, the semester is coming to a close. And, with all the stuff that’s gone down this year, my heart is with Angela Lansbury singing, “We need a little Christmas – right this very minute!”
The thing is: Christmas songs are kind of a controversial subject in my house. My brother takes after my dad in frowning upon the genre.
I believe my dad’s longstanding dismissal of cultural Christmas music comes from the fact that, growing up, his sister would play Christmas tunes starting the day after Thanksgiving. Hence, the great Christmas music debates are inherently tied to Thanksgiving Day.
As for me, I consider it one of the blessings of the post-Thanksgiving season – along with well-earned stomach cramps and the scrumptious, bountiful leftovers.
This year especially, the season’s carols are just as welcome as the candies – just maybe not from the viewpoint of my dad or my brother. At least Mom and I will be able to kindle some flames in the fireplace, sit back, and let ourselves be enveloped by the tinkling tones of sleigh bells and joyous vocals.