Benedictine College has recently employed three new male resident directors for their dorms on campus; Kendall Williams for Newman Hall, Isaac Kuchar for Turner Hall and Eric Burghart for the men’s apartments.
Williams applied as an RD after having some discussion with the previous Newman RD.

“About May, I was talking to the old RD here, Patrick Schmitt, and he was trying to convince me to be the RD and he did convince me,” Williams said.
Kuchar has a similar story regarding what led to him become an RD.

“So Michael Duschene is a good friend of mine, and when he was moving out with Lucy he suggested this position for me,” Kuchar said.
While Williams and Kuchar had a push from friends to apply for the position, Burghart was looking for a position that had what he was desiring.
“I had been a PE teacher and soccer coach for the last five years and was looking for something different that also allowed me mentoring, teaching and coaching opportunities,” Burghart said.
With Williams and Kuchar being RD’s in freshmen dorms, they are focusing on helping their residents.
“The goal is to make of these freshman guys more mature men by the end of the year, to help them grow, take the first steps that is out of the house for most of them,” Kuchar said.
Williams, along with Memorial Hall RD Therese Loew, has put forth his efforts into starting a mentorship program for freshmen students to help them transition in life and serve others.
“We’re going to try and talk about life and tutor each other, have internship opportunities and mentor the people in the community of Atchison through Atchison’s Finest,” Williams said.
Atchison’s Finest is an organization that is dedicated to promoting respect, leadership and community through the youth of Atchison.
With Burghart having mainly upperclassmen for residents, he plans on helping improve the ongoing lives of these men.
“My goal for the semester is to build community with the men in the apartments and help them transition from college-aged juniors and seniors to recent graduates,” Burghart said.
While all men have different plans to improve the lives of men on campus, they are already enjoying their positions.
“It’s honestly the sweet life, I get the fulfillment of helping others and mentoring others through being an RD and helping their behaviors become Christlike,” Williams said.