Jack Gerker, The Circuit
Benedictine College is currently leading the newly added Commissioner’s Cup to the Heart of America conference.
Every school is required to count point totals from women’s volleyball, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, baseball and softball.
According to the Heart of America website, “points are assigned based on conference standing at the conclusion of the regular season. Points for conference sports without regular season standings will be determined by the conference championship meet.” Visit the Heart of America website to see the full standings.
Benedictine is currently leading at 27 points, followed by Baker at 25 points, and tied for third is Central Methodist University and Grand View both at 24 points.
“As far as Benedictine goes I think we’ve established ourselves across the board that we deserve the respect we get from rankings,” said Mike Faucett, Associate Athletic Director. “Our success is not a fluke.”
Faucett also mentioned in the Fall, Benedictine sports won three out of the six conference titles.
“That kind of says where we’re at in the standings,” Faucett said. “We won three out of six conference titles in the Fall sports section.”
This competition spans the entire school year and includes every sport.
Conference Sponsored Sports
Men’s XC
Women’s XC
Men’s Soccer
Women’s Soccer
Men’s Basketball
Women’s Basketball
Men’s Indoor Track and Field
Women’s Indoor Track and Field
Competitive Cheer
Competitive Dance
Men’s Bowling
Women’s Bowling
Men’s Golf
Women’s Golf
Men’s Track and Field
Women’s Track and Field
Men’s Volleyball
Winter sports are next to be added to Commissioner’s Cup standings.
Faucett noted the men and women’s basketball teams are looking pretty well and have been moving along at a high pace this season.
He believes that if this success continues, there is a good chance they could win the competition
“We’re the real deal,” Faucett said.